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Hilti Group was founded in 1941, evolving from a small family start-up to a trusted global business. Today, Hilti is still family-owned, with its global headquarters in the Principality of Liechtenstein, where Martin Hilti established the company more than 75 years ago.
Rastall's is the largest industrial stocker and supplier of fasteners in Northern Ontario and the home of the RS-12 Adjustable Wrench.
Würth Canada Limited was founded in 1971. Our core product range consists of everything from DIN fasteners to the complete line of Würth chemicals, all of which have a worldwide reputation for high quality.
We are a leading global supplier of communications and security products, electrical and electronic wire and cable, fasteners and other small components. We help customers specify solutions and make informed purchasing decisions around technologies, applications and relevant standards.
As a master distributor of quality fasteners and related products sold exclusively through Canadian distributors across the country, our web site is designed to provide you with comprehensive information on our full range of products.
Würth Canada Limited was founded in 1971. Our core product range consists of everything from DIN fasteners to the complete line of Würth chemicals, all of which have a worldwide reputation for high quality.