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Optimize Phase

Allocation modelling for future growth

Jul 16, 2014

The final FiDEX™ phase is Optimize. This process takes the block’s Product Recovery Matrix generated in the Merchandize phase to create an optimized harvest allocation schedule to achieve specified business goals. Each block’s Product Recovery Matrix is aggregated into a spatial framework to create an integrated forest warehouse for the planning area. The forest warehouse is then entered into the harvest allocation planning software to model market-driven planning scenarios. Once the model objectives are established, woodland and sawmill managers will see how the entire fibre value chain can be optimized through detailed allocation modeling. As the market conditions change, the planning software can be re-run to reflect these market changes and ensure optimal harvest allocations over specific time periods. FiDEX equips forest and mill managers with the right information to map their entire fibre value chain and maximize the value of their forest resource.

Source: http://sumacforest.com/fidex/the-process/optimize-page/