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Frank Iacobucci, Ontario Lead Negotiator on Ring of Fire Speaks in Timmins Today

By Frank Giorno

Jan 19, 2015

Frank Iacobucci, former Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada and lead negotiator for the province of Ontario in the signing of a framework agreement on the Ring of Fire with the Matawa First Nation will be speaking today in Timmins at a luncheon hosted bMisiway Milopemahtesewin Community Health Centre


Iacobucci was appointed Ontario a lead negotiator for the Province of Ontario in discussions with Chiefs of the Matawa Tribal Council on resource developments in the Ring of Fire, a project that will create jobs and grow Ontario's regional economies. 

Justice Iacobucci engaged in community-based discussions on regional considerations with the Chiefs of the Matawa Tribal Council and their lead negotiator, Bob Rae, former Premier of Ontario.


An agreement was announced on March 26, 2014. The agreement will establish the rules of engagement for consulting with the Matawa First Nation bands who are located closest to the the Ring of Fire development area. http://news.ontario.ca/mndmf/en/2014/03/ontario-first-nations-to-work-together-on-ring-of-fire.html


 Iacobucci visited the Matawa First Nations communities closest to the proposed resource developments in the Ring of Fire prior to engaging in more formal negotiations. During the negotiations he and his counterpart Bob Raes to address the following priorities:

- Environmental protection and monitoring

- Regional infrastructure planning and development

-Resource revenue sharing

-Social and economic supports


These discussions will support ongoing work with individual First Nations to address their issues and concerns, and fully meets Ontario's duty to consult under the Mining Act.


The Ring of Fire, located 540 kilometres northeast of Thunder Bay, is one of the most significant mineral regions in the province, and includes the largest deposit of chromite ever discovered in North America. Chromite is a key ingredient used to create stainless steel. The Ring of Fire also holds the potential for significant production of nickel, copper and platinum.

Previously, Iacobucci spearheaded Ontario's "review process examining why First Nations are under represented on juries. He expressed hope thathis report which was released in Feb. 2013. He expressed hope that his report would serve as a wake-up call to repair the dysfunctional relationship between the courts and Aborigional peoples.


Iacobucci made 17 recommendations and emphasized  the need to establish government to government relations that incorporates an underlying respect for Cultural, traditional and historic values