Venture Kamloops

Labour Force

Aug 4, 2015
The Kamloops area has a very diverse economy, not dependent on any one industry. The city enjoys a well-educated and diverse labour force of workers who support a wide range of economic sectors. Employers report high satisfaction with the quality of labour in Kamloops based on work ethic, education and work experience levels, and list it as a major factor for locating their business in Kamloops. The affordable, high quality of life in the region appeals to both local graduates as well as relocating professionals.

Employment Growth SA2 (%)

In 2012, Kamloops saw employment growth
well above the British Columbia average from
Q1 to Q4.
In 2012, Kamloops unemployment rate moved
from 9.5% to 6.5%, in line with the British Columbia average.
  SA2 = Seasonally Adjusted. Seasonally Adjusted labour force data is not available for Kamloops, therefore, raw data was used.

Source: BC Stats – Labour Force Activity by Selected BC Cities and Stats Canada- Dec 2014
