Workplace Medical Corp.

About Us

Founded in 1992 by experienced Paramedics to fill a gap they found in the public’s training and preparedness for emergencies. The motivating goal, and the company’s continued commitment, is to provide the highest quality of First Aid training available in Canada and to fill the gap that they first noted.
The Gap: while responding to 911 calls it was recognized that many people, including those trained in First Aid and CPR, often felt uncomfortable and ill-prepared at the scene of an emergency and has seldom performed proper patient care prior to the arrival of emergency personnel. It was apparent that there was a need for better, clearer, more usable First Aid and CPR training.
This growing Canadian company was developed with four goals:
  • Offer the best emergency training available anywhere
  • Customize courses and programs to fit the needs of participants, in the context where they work and live
  • Employ emergency services professionals to deliver the training, including paramedics, police, and firefighters
  • To train people to be able to respond with life-saving intervention skills before the 911 emergency crews arrive




Absence Management Consultants

This role will support the services under Workplace Medical Corp.’s (WMC) Absence Management Division. 

Experienced First Aid Instructors

WMC is actively seeking professionals with first aid training experience and a strong understanding of prehospital care to deliver our WSIB accredited first aid program to clients throughout Ontario.