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Thomas Solutions

Thomas Solutions

A Leader in Customer Service and Custom Solutions for 40 Years

Thomas Solutions, originally known as John Thomas Cartage Ltd., was founded in Hamilton, Ontario in 1967. In the beginning, John Thomas Cartage built strong, lasting relationships with Hamilton’s steel industry, servicing companies like Dofasco (now ArcelorMittal) and Stelco.

Today, we continue to meet the needs of the heavy industrial, steel, construction, engineering, and tradesmen markets. We are continually expanding our client base and range of operations to bring our unique work truck leasing and rental solutions to businesses of all sizes and industries.

Our management team is passionate about two things – trucks and customers, and our manpower pool shares that passion. We form strong, flexible partnerships with our customers and collaborate to deliver meaningful, cost-saving solutions.

To learn more about our trucks, visit our Find a Truck page and explore how our vehicles be outfitted to meet your specifications and tailored to meet your needs.


Work Trucks That Work


Our Expertise

Thomas Solutions provides leasing, rental and fleet management solutions to organizations that require work trucks.


Our Mission

Provide impeccable customer service and tailored solutions to all our customers across North America.