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Allen Kanerva, CEO & Co-Founder

Oct 10, 2013
Allen’s broad range of domestic and international experience in both the corporate and non-profit sectors is of significant benefit to INDI’s clients.
Allen has a BA in Economics from McMaster University and a MA in Human Security and Peace Building from Royal Roads University. His academic focus was the interconnectedness of corporate social responsibility and global human security.
Allen served in the Canadian Armed Forces as a helicopter pilot in Canada and the Middle East. After leaving the military, Allen consulted to corporations, conducting situational analysis and developing and implementing strategic plans. Later, he led companies in middle and senior management positions, including being the CEO of a corporation with offices in three North American cities. In addition, he enjoyed diverse projects, including strategic planning with the Iraq National Mine Action Authority, NGO development in Uganda, and Risk Management in East Africa for a multi-national company.
INDI reflects Allen’s passion for addressing issues in human security and building sustainable business models.

“…Allen has demonstrated the versatility to develop strategy and then operationalize it with depth of thought and understanding, transitioning successfully from the macro to the micro and thinking down through the organization.”

Brian Hewson, Security Manager Tulawaka Gold Mine, African Barrick Gold

Email us today for a free consultation: info@indi-dev.com.

Source: http://indi-dev.com/allen-kanerva/