Ultra Torq


How do you choose the best pipe beveller?

Jul 25, 2014
Your material list is extensive: pipe bevellers, torque wrenches and multiple other items are required for your project. Affordability and durability are important, but how can you ensure that the tools are going to provide the functionality you need by only viewing them in the pages of a catalogue?

Buyers (Pipe Beveler)
We help you purchase with confidence. Here’s how:
• Understanding your project needs
• Making recommendations on what will work best for you based on industry experience
• Providing you one source for repeatedly accurate tube and pipe tools and certified torque and tension tools to rent or purchase
• Delivering demonstrations and free jobsite training for your team

Our extensive knowledge of your industry allows us to provide you with valuable advice, whether you are weighing the benefits of renting vs. owning, or looking to stay up-to-date on the most current technology available. With your budget in mind, we can provide you with the most dependable consultation for all of your project’s requirements.
You have access to tools from the most reputable brands:
• Airetool and EGI tube tools
• ESCO pipe bevellers
• Norwolf bolting products
• RAD torque systems

Source: http://www.ultratorq.com/who-we-serve/buyers