Cámara Argentina de Empresarios Mineros (CAEM)

Diversity and Inclusion

Jul 28, 2020
Opening spaces for growth
The industry works by strengthening ties with the community for social inclusion and diversity in an articulated workspace with its members and in co-responsibility with local governments.
Companies get involved according to the expectations of the population to guarantee the sustainability of what is invested, and in this line, they present a logic of inclusion. In this way, they become an agent of change with the community.
Women in Mining: Opportunities for Greater Inclusion
In the area of ​​women, gender policies are being worked on to improve the levels of labor inclusion for women, not only in administrative levels but also in decision-making spaces in industry as well as in more technical areas. These levels have increased positively in the last 5 years.
The greater openness towards female incorporation comes hand in hand -mainly- with changes in two areas:
Technological changes:
Mining work is modernized. Greater automation of processes in mines and the consequent need for personnel with training to operate specialized machinery generate new functions and spaces suitable for women to occupy.
Social changes:
Argentine society in recent years has been developing a debate and change movement on the roles traditionally associated with women. The female presence on the public scene has been strengthened, conquering positions of political leadership.
Social inclusion
Regarding social inclusion, the industry has advanced in programs to strengthen the value chain with participatory projects with the communities where they work. In this logic, responses to common local and regional needs are generated through processes that favor integration, with inclusive programs and projects.
In addition, companies have begun to consider in their work with the community the importance of its financial inclusion, mainly through microcredit granting programs to local projects.
It is still a challenge to the future and a responsibility of CAEM member companies to be at the forefront of the signs of the times and prepare to address the social and cultural diversity in the communities where it is inserted, working for the inclusion of vulnerable populations (such as youth, disabled populations, rural communities, indigenous peoples and women).

Source: https://www.caem.com.ar/genero-e-inclusion/