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Da-Lee Dust Control

Liquid Winter Deicers

Dec 5, 2013

LIQUIDOW™ Calcium Chloride

• 30-32% LIQUIDOW™ Calcium Chloride for pre-wetting and direct liquid application.
• Available with an Organic additive.
• Pre-wetting rock salt and abrasives provides faster ice melting, reduced bounce and scatter and more effective performance at lower temperatures.
• Direct Liquid Application involves spraying a thin film of product onto the paved surface prior to an event and helps to prevent snow and ice from adhering to the road surface - plowing is easier and gets the surface back to bare pavement faster.

23% Sodium Chloride Brine

• An effective de-icing solution for the roadways and parking lots that also improves the melting power of dry salt and sand.
• Inexpensive and effective.

Source: http://www.daleedustcontrol.com/dust_control/liquid.html

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