Asociación Colombiana de Minería (ACM)


Jul 28, 2020

The contribution of mining to the country is evidenced in the fiscal contribution of taxes and royalties, the generation of employment, the attraction of foreign investment, the generation of production chains and its social and environmental investment, among others, which together allow the country close development gaps in mining regions and bring fiscal stability to its economy.
According to the most recent official figures, the mining sector attracted USD 1.8 billion in foreign investment (12% of the national total), exported USD 10.4 billion (27% of the national total) and contributed a record figure of 2.5 billion pesos in royalties. In addition, according to ACM calculations, the social and environmental investment of the sector in 2018 amounted to 500 billion pesos and made more than 13 billion pesos in purchases in 2018, 71% of them in the national territory.
Thus, according to the DANE population census, in the last 25 years the levels of Unsatisfied Basic Needs (UBN) in the mining municipalities, a territory where 79% of the economy depends on mining, have decreased from 61% to 33%.
In this section, find the evolution and analysis of the economic situation of mining in the country, its contributions and opportunities for growth and closing gaps in the regions.
