Sandy Lake First Nation


Feb 11, 2021

Thomas Fiddler Memorial Elementary School and High School has a student population of 600, with classes from Kindergarten to grade 10. The elementary school has 23 classrooms and the high school has 11 classes. Facilities include a gym, tech shop, computer lab, and home economics class. A native language immersion program is offered until grade 4, then students can continue to study Oji-Cree until high school.
The Sandy Lake Board of Education believes that partnerships between educators and parents/guardians make education and learning more relevant and effective. It is critical for educators and parents to be in constant communication so that they can collaborate to develop students’ love for learning.
The Sandy Lake Board of Education seeks to offer to students’ an education that enhances their appreciation and understanding of our local culture and linguistic heritage.
The Elementary and High schools were named in honour of Chief Thomas Fiddler, who was the last hereditary chief of Sandy Lake.
School Population - 600
Grades - Kindergarten - Grade 10
Secretary - Tina Kakepetum
Secretary - Anne Meekis
Facilities and Services
School Facilities
Thomas Fiddler Memorial Elementary School has 23 classrooms, including a home economics class, a gym, and computer lab. Thomas Fiddler Memorial High School has 11 classrooms, including a tech shop, a computer lab, a science lab, a home economics class, and a gym.
The Elementary School offers a Native language immersion program until Grade 4. Computer classes, Physical Education and Native language classes are offered to all students.
The High School offers Tech, Computers, Physical Education, and Native language classes for all Grade 7 and 8 students. The Grade 9 and 10 courses are approved by the Ontario Ministry of Education and include Tech, Computers, Food and Nutrition, Physical Education, Science, Geography, History, Mathematics, Native Language, Art, English and more.
Extracurricular activities
The elementary and high schools share a Culture program that plans monthly activities. All students have the opportunity to participate and engage in local cultural activities. Students can also participate in morning sports and Right to Play activities after school.


March 25, 2021
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