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Mining Industry NL

Efficient Regulation

Jul 21, 2020
Our industry is very highly regulated by a variety of agencies of the federal and provincial governments and sometimes by Aboriginal and municipal governments as well. We firmly believe that all industries need appropriate regulation, however, inefficient or unpredictable regulation, particularly as it applies to exploration and new mine development, can have an inordinately negative effect on our industry.  We usually operate within windows of opportunity provided by the convergence of global demand for our products and the availability of risk capital, in remote areas under time constraints imposed by our climate and geography and by the availability of increasingly scarce contract personnel and equipment. Should a window of opportunity to conduct an exploration program or develop a mine close while a company is working its way through an increasingly complex and time consuming regulatory process, it could be gone forever along with the attendant jobs and business opportunities it would have provided.
Our association is always available to consult with regulatory agencies on how they might improve efficiency without losing sight of their objectives.

Source: http://www.miningnl.com/node/77