Pepper Maintenance Canada

What is Predictive Maintenance?

Apr 24, 2014
Anomalies and vibration of dangerous levels to machinery and persons are identified, quantified as to risk, and recommendations for repairs are made. In some instances, customers decide to postpone repairs. Subsequent inspections reveal that problems identified earlier have continued to accelerate as connections deteriorate and bearings wear. If left unattended, component failure is inevitable and downtime occurs. Waiting while the maintenance crew replaces a head bearing or because a starter tripped out resulting in plugged equipment is counter-productive. Down time is a force to be reckoned with in all industries, so eliminating down time is essential to running an efficient operation.
Pepper stresses to clients that it is not their intent to critique practices or analyze programs. Pepper's intent is to make the lives of their clients less stressful during periods of heavy equipment use and long running times.
At the end of 2010, Pepper began offering additional services--precision laser alignment and ultrasonic inspections that add to the reliable interpretations and analysis being done using the latest equipment and software programs available.  Used together with vibration analysis, we can discover evidence of misalignment and can confirm the results of that laser alignment check. In the history of working in our industry, we have confirmed that misalignment is the leading cause of objectionable levels of vibration.
Ultrasonic inspections detect even the smallest air leaks and when repaired, will give your company instant energy savings. Ultrasonics help with the identification and location of electrical anomalies that may not be detectable with more conventional methods.  The end result is that your equipment will run more efficiently and increase your profit margin.
Demonstrating to our clients the benefit of predictive maintenance through the use of all our services is exciting, and with Pepper Maintenance Systems, Inc., a penny saved will indeed result in a penny earned.
