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Cámara Argentina de Empresarios Mineros (CAEM)

CAEM talk with 4th and 5th year high school students

May 14, 2021

The Argentine Chamber of Mining Entrepreneurs (CAEM) was invited to present about mining to 4th and 5th year students of the Wolfsohn College, of the Autonomous City of Bs. As., Within the framework of their education on Corporate Social Responsibility, where they worked on theme of the mining industry and environmental impact.
The first to dialogue with the students was the Executive Director of CAEM, Luciano Berenstein, who began by highlighting the importance of listening to those who carry out the mining activity, to learn more about it and be able to contrast information and draw conclusions.
He began his presentation by showing what is the role of mining as the mother industry of other industries, with a strong presence in all objects of today's daily life. Then he detailed the importance of the sector to achieve federal development, based on its motorization of the economies furthest from the traditional productive centers. And finally, he commented on the initiatives aimed at collaborating with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Next, Graciela Keskiskian, consultant in the program “Towards a Sustainable Mining (HMS) and educator, developed the central aspects of this initiative and how it collaborates to raise production standards, interact with the community and allow instances of control. He highlighted aspects of HMS such as the operation of its ad honorem and independent panel, which helps to increase transparency.
As a message to young people, Keskiskian told them that the mining industry needs serious and trained professionals who know how to analyze information, who can articulate knowledge in order to carry out tasks related to the environment and sustainability programs. This is in addition to all the technical knowledge that mining production requires.
Berenstein also explained that new technologies and the so-called industry 4.0 have a positive impact on the way of doing mining. "Technologies allow the mining process to be developed more and more sustainably and also increase safety levels, given that it works with advanced technology".
Around 30 students participated in the activity, who were able to ask the industry representatives all the questions they wanted.

Source: https://www.caem.com.ar/mineria/charla-de-caem-con-estudiantes-de-4o-y-5o-ano-de-secundaria/