Kettle & Stoney Point First Nation

Health Services

Jan 28, 2021

Our mandate is to improve health outcomes in the community and to ensure the availability of and access to quality health services.
Mission Statement
We are committed to the efficient provision of quality health services to the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation community, maintaining the following principles:
All members of our community have the right to:
  • Health education and services
  • Equal access to all services
  • Respect of their individual beliefs
We will uphold the shared values and beliefs of our community including equality, kindness, honesty, sharing, caring and strength in body, mind and spirit. Our staff members will:
  • Respect and support one another to ensure the efficient provision of services
  • Carry out the policies and procedures and mission of the Kettle and Stony Point Health Services with the utmost diligence
  • Foster fellowship and understanding among one another and the community that we serve
  • Encourage and assist individuals, families and the community to achieve optimal health and quality of life, through health promotion, prevention programs and services, homecare support, mental health and addictions programs and community healing activities.
We share common values in the provision of holistic health services:
  • We understand that there are many determinants of health including poverty, unemployment and the lingering effects of the residential school system.
  • We recognize that our community is impacted by systemic barriers to health and are committed to making special efforts to encourage their participation.
  • We believe that programs and services must be accessible to all community members and offer a welcoming, non-judgmental environment.
  • We believe in the dignity and self-worth of all people and their equitable right to peace, security, safe affordable housing, education, food, income, a healthy environment and good health.
  • We believe in diverse approaches to health and embrace and respect traditional healing methods.
  • We believe that our approach should be to build the capacity of individuals so they can take control of their own health and build resiliency.
  • We believe in working together with individuals and groups, to achieve the best health possible; and organizations and agencies, to make the community as healthy as possible.
  • We believe that in all activities we must be compassionate, fair and respectful of the diversity of our community members.
  • We believe that the Health Centre is accountable to the community.
Services / Programs:
Within community health services, service provision is aimed at promoting wellness through healthy lifestyles and preventative education. Please see the monthly community newsletter for specific program dates and times.
Within community health services, service provision is aimed at promoting wellness through healthy lifestyles and preventative education.
Maternal and Child Health:
In the area of maternal and child health we believe that education is the key to the health of both mother and baby. Our staff offer family planning, prenatal classes, new baby assessments, clinic visits, numerous mom and baby and/or toddler programs, parenting classes, immunizations, and support for breast feeding moms, in addition to partnerships with local and external service providers for the benefit of our clients.
School Health and Teens:
The health of school children is strongly linked to their academic success. We strive to promote the health and well being of children so they can participate and succeed in school and life. Our staff members provide health education programs and screening services to approximately children from Daycare age to grade 8. We also provide a weekly drop-in for teens that covers a broad range of topics aimed at promoting healthy socialization, lifestyles, self esteem and resiliency.
Health Promotion:
Health Centre activities are based on the concept that education will lead to behaviour change and empowerment so community members can better manage their own health. Programming is in response to identified risks and health concerns unique to our First Nation within the context of the many determinants of health. The targeted areas are physical fitness, nutrition, smoking and chronic disease with a strong emphasis on diabetes.
Home and Community Care and the Assisted Living Facility Wiidsemshin:
Our goal is to assist the elderly, chronically ill and disabled members of the community to live at home with the assistance they require and our services are ever responsive to their fluctuating needs.
Wiidemshin is viewed as their home when they cannot manage alone and care is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Programs and services that contribute to their quality of life are offered throughout the year including congregate dining, quilting, crafts, outside walking and a geriatric Day Program that operates 3 days per week at Wiidsemshin.
Mental Health and Addictions:
This department supports the wellbeing of individuals and families through the coordination of professional counseling services, within or outside the community, art and play therapies targeting children and youth, case management services for individuals seeking mental health and/or addictions services in addition to addictions counseling and referral to treatment centres, medical detoxification, medical care and/or methadone programs. Through a partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association we are also able to offer case management services specific to indivduals affected by severe mental illness.
Personnel | Kettle & Stony Point Health Services
Doug George, Health Director
Barb Shipley, Administrative Assistant
Community Health Services:
Marja George, R.N., BScN, Community Nurse
Carlene Mennen, R.N., Community Nurse
Tammy Jackson, Clerk / Reception
Shawna Bressette, Health Promotion / Assistant
Pam George, CHR / Patient Transportation
Lori Monague, CHR
Dick Bressette, Medical Transportation Driver
Pauline Bressette, Medical Transportation Driver
Ruth Bressette, Custodian
Home and Community Care:
Paige Boris, R.N., BScN, HCC / Assisted Living Facility Manager
Jennifer Copp-Scalf, R.N., BScN, Clinical Nurse
Lana White, Homemaker Coordinator
Tim Shawnoo, Facility Manager
Joan Price, Assistant Activity Coordinator
Conrad George, Cook
Barbara Bell, Cook
This department also oversees 32 +/- Home Support Workers
Mental Health & Addictions
Julie George, M.A, PHD, Manager
Tammy Jackson – Clerk / Receptionist


March 25, 2021
Inside this issue
Band Representative

The Band Representative acts on behalf of the Chippewas of the Kettle & Stony Point First Nation (KSPFN) as a party under the Child and Family Services Act involving KSPFN; protects the collective best interest of KSPFN child(ren); ensures effective delivery and monitoring practices pertaining to child welfare protection services in alignment with Kettle & Stony Point’s policies and procedures as well as the legal framework of the Child, and the Child, Youth and Family Services Act. 

Resource Teacher / Case Manager

Early Childhood Education Resource Teacher/Case Manager will provide an inclusive program for children 0 to 5 years of age and their families that celebrate diversity and reflects the Anishnabek Heritage that is unique to the Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point.