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Attawapiskat First Nation

Statement Grand Chief Louttit

Jun 10, 2014
ATTAWAPISKAT, ON (June 10, 2014) - It was with great sorrow that we received word of the passing of our Grand Chief Stan Louttit on June 10. The Mushkegowuk people today have lost a champion in Stan Louttit, and his absence will be noted by many in our community as he was passionate about his homeland, and people.
Grand Chief Louttit over his lifetime influenced many people, and it was his humility, and wisdom that will be missed for those that will continue the work that he started.
Chief Theresa Spence said “My Council, and community today have lost a great champion of our people, and at this time of loss, our thoughts, and prayers are with the family of Grand Chief Louttit for their loss and sacrifice”
The Attawapiskat First Nation is an isolated reserve located on the north shore of the Attawapiskat River, and who’s traditional territory include areas drained by the Attawapiskat, and Ekwan River systems, and is a member First Nation of the Muskegowuk Tribal Council, and Nishnawbe Aski Nation.

Source: http://www.attawapiskat.org/wp-content/uploads/20140610StatementGrandChiefLouttit.pdf