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Chippewas of Nawash

Kikendaasogamig Elementary School

Feb 25, 2021

The Kikendaasogamig Elementary School provides education for Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 students in our community. We strive to offer quality education to enable our students to become successful First Nation community members and global lifelong learners. In partnering with the community and parents we provide the best of our teachings and language to aid our students in developing Anishinaabe Pride. We offer Ojibway language instruction and incorporate cultural education in our school. We also provide a wide range of special education support to our students in need. In addition, we also provide a "Daily Breakfast" program and a "Hot Lunch" program for the winter months.


Source: https://www.nawash.ca/school/

Health Services Manager (Band Member Preferred)

The Health Services Manager ensures policies and procedures are followed, assists to develop new programs and regularly evaluated programs to ensure services are compliant with the funding requirements as agreed through the health agreement and other funding agreements. 

Senior Gate Attendant

The Senior Park Gate Attendant is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Park Registration Office, assists with the financial management of the Park and directs the delivery of related services. 

Senior Administrative Officer

Provides support to the Chief and Council with intergovernmental affairs, political  advocacy and support.