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Wikwemikong First Nation

Lands and Economic Development

Feb 22, 2021
Wiikwemkoong A’Ki Miinwaa Enoodewziimgak Genwendgik (Wiikwemkoong Department of Lands and Natural Resources) is inherently responsible for all matters related to land management, protection of our waters and natural resources of Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory within the Great Lakes.
The Department of Lands and Natural Resources will facilitate the development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to lands stewardship by working towards a balanced approach between individual and collective community interests.
The Department of Lands and Natural Resources will facilitate the development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to lands stewardship by working towards a balanced approach between individual and collective community interests.
To reclaim our rightful stewardship for the lands, waters, environment and natural resources consistent with the traditional beliefs and practices of the Anishnabek people of Wiikwemkoong Unceded Indian Reserve.
Enaadmaagehjik Operating as Wikwemikong Development Commission
The Wikwemikong Development Commission (WDC) is a non-profit organization, and was provincially incorporated on September 5, 1973. The WDC is the economic development branch of the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory.
Encouraging self-sufficiency to improve the quality of life for the Wiikwemkoong Anishinaabek in accordance with Anishinaabe Bimaadziwin.
To foster and advance the interests of the Anishinaabek  members of the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory through the promotion and generation of a diversified economic base in order to increase the wealth, opportunity, and quality of life of the total Wiikwemkoong population.

Source: https://wiikwemkoong.ca/community/lands-and-economic-development/

- Apply accounting and bookkeeping principles and procedures, adhesing to GAAP, WUT and WBE Policies and Procedures, maintain procedural manual for duties
- Assist employees, vendors, clients by answering inquiries related to accounts, payments, purchase orders, receipt
- To perform the duties of teacher as specifies in the Education Act
- To maintain ethical standarts of practice as outlined by the Ontario College of Teachers