Ontario Clean Water Agency

Engineering Services

Oct 25, 2013
OCWA provides a full range of clean water solutions to improve your Water and Wastewater distribution, collection and treatment systems, protect your infrastructure assets, safeguard community health, extend facility longevity, and find cost savings. From project development for facility construction to specialist technical services and operational training, we work in partnership with our clients to implement solutions to meet individual community needs.

Project Management of Capital Works

Experienced in all areas of water and wastewater infrastructure, OCWA guides the design, approvals, tendering, construction and commissioning of your new, expanded and/or upgraded works. OCWA can directly retain and finance contractors and consultants on your behalf. Under alternative project delivery, we can manage expressions of interest, proposal analysis, and contract negotiations award.
Standard Project Management
• OCWA acts as your agent
• We assist you in securing all available funds
• We work with you to retain the consultants and the contractors
• OCWA manages the design, approvals, tendering, construction and commissioning of the project Project Management with interim
Alternative Project Delivery
• We work with you to develop alternative project delivery strategies
• OCWA offers interim financing for the design and construction of the project
• We manage the project process and the selection of the project team
• OCWA oversees the design, approvals, on-site construction and commissioning of the project

Research & Development

The goal of research at OCWA is the advancement of knowledge of drinking water (from source to tap) and all aspects of wastewater management for the benefit of our customers. Research priorities at OCWA are set to contribute to the provision of safe clean drinking water.
Specific Areas of Research
• Understanding threats to sources of drinking water, including pathogens, for the protection of the public;
• Understanding the cause and effective and efficient control of taste and odour in drinking water and;
• Advancement of technology and systems that contribute to OCWA's research goals.
• In addition to the Agency's ongoing sponsorship of the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada • Chair (NSERC) in Water Treatment at the University of Waterloo, OCWA continues to coordinate the activities of a research consortium that includes federal and provincial scientists, municipal utilities and private sector experts. More information on the Ontario Water Works Research Consortium (OWWRC) and its projects can be found at www.owwrc.com.
OCWA continues to support the Collaborative Study to Protect Lake Ontario. The "Collaborative"under the leadership of the Region of Peel, carries out technical studies in support of source protection planning under the Clean Water Act, 2006.

Source: http://www.ocwa.com/en/engineering_services

October 25, 2013
Inside this issue
Utility Plant Electrician Operator
In this role, you will provide skilled journey-level services and support in the maintenance and repair/replacement of sophisticated and complex utility electrical equipment’, controls and systems and to maintain all related process controls in the operation of water and wastewater treatment facilities and required projects within the Kawartha Trent Region.
Hub Administrative Assistant

In this role, you will provide administrative assistance support in all activities required for the South Peel Region. 


In this role, you will use your skills to operate and maintain the water and wastewater facilities within the Southwest Region.