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International Iron Metallics Association (iima)

Koch Metallics join the IIMA

Mar 21, 2021

As of March 2021, the International Iron Metallics Association is delighted to announce its newest member Koch Metallics.
Koch Metallics, LLC are agents to Big River Steel for metallics procurement, providing a reliable supply chain for ferrous scrap and related materials. They are a global supplier of bulk materials, supported by Koch Resources and its AA- S&P credit rating. Koch Metallics’ world-class capabilities in vessel, barge, rail and truck transportation, as well as dry bulk material sourcing and handling, provide scale and efficiency gains that reduce raw material costs. They operate a streamlined sourcing approach focused on high standards for safety, environmental responsibility, consistent quality and on-time delivery.
About IIMA: The International Iron Metallics Association is the trade association for the ore-based metallics industry, ore-based metallics being value-adding feedstock materials for the steel and ferrous casting industries. IIMA has more than 80 members spanning the globe and the OBM value chain.

Source: https://www.metallics.org/koch-metallics-join-the-iima.html