Taurus Drilling

Our Services

Oct 31, 2013

Longhole and production drilling

Our people are very skilled and knowledgeable with many different types of underground bulk drilling and blasting techniques. The small size of our drills allows us to work in areas as tight as seven feet wide by 10 feet high or smaller, making it possible to extract more ore with less environmental impact.

We also offer an ITH drilling service for larger scale production requirements. Bar and Arm drilling in captive areas or off Alimak. Technical support and advice is available to any clients that require it. This can include drawings and layouts, suggestions, technical analysis, drill and blast optimization, production scheduling, reconciliation processes. 


Drill Technology

The Taurus Air powered drill is very versatile. Its combination of Helac cylinders allows us to drill in many different types of scenarios without having to resort to other types of drills available. This allows for higher productivity, lower costs, and safer production.



Utility Holes (electrical service holes, water drain holes, slurry holes, paste fill holes. (up to 100ft). Drop raising (ventilation, muck handling up to 80ft
Inverse Raising (ventilation, muck handling up to 50ft)


Ground Support

We install many different types of ground support including cable bolt installation and grouting, super swellex, swellex, and more. 


Tecnichal Support

We also have a newly acquired technical staff that is very knowledgeable and skilled in all aspects of mining. We are equipped with the latest and most technologically advanced 3d modelling software to help better understand and analyze many different scenarios which can occur in the underground environment.


With this technology we are able to lower mining costs, and create a better final product. We can satisfy production scheduling needs, drill and blast layouts, drill and blast optimization, technical analysis, fragmentation analysis, and we can provide solutions to many problems encountered. 

Source: http://www.taurusds.com/our_services.html

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