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Armour Launches Two Innovation Initatives in 2014-2015

Jan 30, 2014
Armour Valve is launching two new two-year programs focused on innovation.
Our Innovator Series of lunch and learns will bring three guest speakers annually from creative industries to share their insights on topics such as 3D printing, biomechanical engineering, and advanced robotics applications. Customers and business partners are welcome to participate. Sessions will be delivered as webinars to facilitate remote participation. Please contact Herman Chan at hchan@armourvalve.com for more information about Armour Valve’s Innovator Series.

In collaboration with Conval, Armour Valve will also conduct a series of Power of Partnership events to recognize customers that have contributed to product and service innovation. Each participating customer will receive a Power & Steam Innovator (PSI) Award and a customized on-site customer appreciation day. For more information, about the Power of Partnership initiative please contact Liz McBeth at lmcbeth@armourvalve.com.
Both the Innovator Series and Power of Partnership initiative will run from 2014-2015.

Source: http://www.armourvalve.com/news/