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CannAmm Occupational Testing


Mar 24, 2020
CannAmm is committed to serving our clients providing essentials services as we work together to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to varying measures being implemented in different jurisdictions across Canada and the USA, there may be delays or disruptions to our services.  We are working diligently to mitigate such delays or disruptions.
Collection Sites. A material number of collection facilities have suspended operations. We have a vast collection network that we are diligently keeping up to date. Despite this, we expect some inconvenience and even being unable to book testing in some geographic locations. We will keep you up to date at the time of booking of any disruption.
Booking and Resulting. CannAmm is able to carry out our booking and resulting operations from multiple locations. We are preparing for the risk of significant disruption in one or more of these locations. In response, we are working toward enhancing the capability of additional employees to work remotely. Should there be locational shutdowns, we expect prolonged call times and delayed results may occur.  We will continue to do our best to service you.
The situation is changing constantly. We are working hard to anticipate and adapt. We appreciate your patience. As long those performing essential services need our services, we are committed to providing them.
Yours in Health and Safety,
The CannAmm team

Source: https://www.cannamm.com/news/cannamm-business-operations-update-march-24-2020/