Moravian of the Thames First Nation


Mar 17, 2020
As we have heard over the past couple of weeks about the outbreak of the coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19, and its impacts it is having to many countries. We do know that this coronavirus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person through coughing and sneezing; touching surfaces contaminated, then touching our eyes, nose and mouth.
While this disease continues to spread, it is important that we take action to prevent further transmission to reduce the impacts of any outbreak to our community and support control measures.
Council’s utmost priority is the health and safety our families, our staff and our community. Council has decided the following precautionary measures will be taken:
March 16, 2020
• Council to suspend all travel for Staff and Council
• Moravian Day School/Early Learning Centre to be closed effective from March 16, 2020 to April 3, 2020 inclusive
• All internal and external events and programming will be postponed
March 17, 2020
• All administration building will be closed until March 24;
• All staff will be sent home until March 24;
• All essential services, such as homemakers will continue to our seniors who require these services;
• All community-owned businesses are to remain open;
• A coronavirus information package will be delivered to each home later this afternoon.
It is our responsibility to inform the community that while we have no confirmed cases, we do have a few individuals who have recently returned from travel outside Canada. One has taken the responsibility to self-isolate their family.
Council will reconvene again on Monday March 23rd to reassess these precautionary measures.
Both the Director of Operations, Kimberly Snake and myself will continue to work from the Administration Office from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND that the businesses in our community implement safe measures to reduce the risk and exposure to our community members.


Council's Strategic Research and Development Analyst

The Strategic Research and Development Analyst will provide direct support and be an adive participant in assisting the Chief and Council in the performance of political advocacy and effective governance.