Mine Source Inc.

Sell Equipment

Jul 8, 2013

Mine Source Auctions has a multi-pronged approach to getting top dollar for your equipment. First of all, you set the price. We’re there to guide you. But, you’re the boss.


When it comes to finding buyers, we have several tools in our toolbox. Most of the time your equipment will go on the Mine Source Auctions website, which is a fully developed online public auction dedicated to the mining industry.


We place your equipment online and users from around the world bid on it for a set period of time. Bidding starts at your asking price. It is transparent, efficient and creates competition, which gets the best possible price.




This online auction is open to anyone, not just mining companies. We don’t restrict or limit potential buyers. So, through this auction, we’re opening up your used equipment to many more potential buyers.


We are able to get good traffic and lots of bids on the online auction site from our years of developing contacts around the world.


When our clients’ items go to auction, we connect with people and companies we think may be interested based on our experiences in the industry. We also have a weekly email newsletter that goes out to more than 6000 potential industry buyers. And, we also work the phones to get them bidding. This helps ensure your equipment gets quality bids as we aim to sell your equipment for even more than you’re reserve price.

Source: http://minesource.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20&Itemid=33