Dynaco Entrematic


A complete line of loading dock and warehouse solutions.

Oct 7, 2013

For nearly 60 years Serco has been leading the industry in specialty hydraulic dock levelers, safety products and programmable control systems.
Serco is a well-established brand recognized for increasing operational efficiency through its offering of strong and unique loading dock and warehouse solutions. 
Trusted by thousands of companies around the world, Serco understands the obstacles that businesses face and provides solutions that can help increase productivity, safety and sustainability.

Source: http://www.entrematic.com/en/ENT/entrematic/Our-brands/Serco/


We welcome well-educated, ambitious students in a variety of fields, e.g. engineering, business and more, who are interested in pursuing their graduate thesis work within our organization.

Produktionsteknik - och Underhållschef

Till våra två produktionsenheter I Torslanda med fokus att driva och vidareutveckla arbetet inom produktionsteknik och underhåll i syfte att säkra produktionskapacietet såväl som produktionseffektivitet.