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Instituto Brasileiro de Mineração (IBRAM)

Technical Standards – CONIM

Jul 31, 2020
Since 1994, IBRAM has developed a wide-ranging support programme for Brazilian companies which produce iron-ore, copper and nickel ores and concentrates, and primary nickel products via the development of technical ISO and ABNT standards. This programme is coordinated by IBRAM-CONIM – Committee for International Standardisation in Mining, seated in IBRAM-MG. These standards are of great importance to the supplies and consumers of these products as they are used to quantify their quality characteristics, which are subsequently used in the billing calculations, and issuance of certificates and fines of the loads of each commercial interface.
As a result of Brazil’s significant work on ISO Committees, the country has hosted various international meetings of the following committees: Iron Ore (TC102), Copper, lead, zinc and nickel ores and concentrates (TC 183), and Nickel and nickel alloys (TC 155).
There have been vast changes within the organisational structures of companies over the last few years, which has seen the loss of a significant amount of experience in relation to the preparation and application of standards regarding production and loading quality control. Aware of this and in meeting the demand of companies, CONMIN created a programme of courses to train new specialists in this field.
The benefits of participating in the standardisation projects include:
  • Enables the defence of mining company interests at the development stage of the standards;
  • Allows the filling of key positions within the ISO or ABNT organisations.
  • Permits the involvement of companies in international inter-laboratorial tests, which is an excellent instrument for measuring and improving the efficiency of laboratories and sampling systems;
  • Promotes technical development and improves the verbal and written communication of its participants, including in English;
  • Brings clients and competitors closer together;
  • Highlights the latest technology of the sectors involved.
 Strategic planning:
  • Enables companies to evaluate technology and market trends and scenarios of the sector, as well as the reaction of competing suppliers.

Source: http://www.ibram.org.br/