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Carto Canada Inc.

GeoSLAM/CartoCanada Partnership Announcement

Jan 12, 2021

GeoSLAM is excited to announce the addition of CartoCanada to our worldwide dealer network. 
CartoCanada is a leading provider of fixed wing drones with offices in Alberta and Ontario, Canada. Through their leading sales and support team, they have extensive experience providing solutions to mining and drone customers across Canada. With the addition of GeoSLAM’s industry leading SLAM solutions – CartoCanada will now be able to extend their data capture solutions underground (or under roof) to allow their clients rapid capture of data to increase productivity and maximize return on investment.  
Felix Weber, VP CartoCanada had this to say about the new partnership,   
“We pride ourselves on sourcing the best. We look for high-quality data collection done in the most user-friendly and economical way, and GeoSLAM fits this strategy. It is outstanding, cutting-edge scanning technology and the top in their industry.” 
Matt Teppler, GeoSLAM’s Channel Manager for Canada says, 
“I am extremely excited for CartoCanada to be added to our extensive worldwide GeoSLAM dealer network and to begin working with them. CartoCanada’s experience in the mining industry across Canada will be an asset to help existing GeoSLAM customers, as well as to help promote GeoSLAM within Canada to future customers.”

Source: https://cartocanada.ca/cartocanada-geoslam-dealer/