Yukon Chamber of Commerce


Jul 26, 2020
Thank you for your interest in helping the Yukon Chamber of Commerce and its partners on matters affecting businesses and industry sectors in Yukon.  Our success depends on volunteers like you.
​Please complete out volunteer interest form below, and indicate your interest in participating on our Policy Committees, Board, events or other activities.  The Yukon Chamber of Commerce will review each application and will acknowledge your submission.  We strive to have our committees balanced with representation from diverse communities, industry sectors and expertise.
​Again thank you for your interest.  Should you have any questions call us at 867-667-2000.
The purpose of the Yukon Chamber Of Commerce is to advocate on behalf of the Yukon business community, to provide input to the community, Territorial and Federal governments with the objective of creating a business climate conducive to growing the private sector in the Yukon.

Source: https://www.yukonchamber.com/volunteer