ZEN Graphene Solutions Ltd.

Why Graphene?

Jun 4, 2020
Graphene is the lightest and thinnest material known. Graphene is 200x stronger than steel and is best heat-and-electricity conducting material discovered to date with 10x the conductivity of copper and 1000x the current capacity of copper.
Carbon naturally occurs in two forms (allotropes)—diamond and graphite. With graphite, carbon atoms bond tightly in a 2D hexagonal honeycomb lattice (layer). Weaker forces called van der Waals bonds hold each layer together. These weaker forces can be broken to yield a single layer just one carbon atom thick via exfoliation. This single layer is known as graphene. The unusual structure makes graphene the thinnest, lightest and strongest material known to humanity.
Today, new Albany Pure™ Graphene products and applications are being developed to create advanced materials that have the potential to revolutionize many existing products.

Source: https://www.zengraphene.com/