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Tru-Flo Pumping Systems


Jul 14, 2020
Water booster pumps are used to increase the pressure and volume of water flowing from our shower head or faucet. Many of you may have experienced how difficult life can be with low water pressure. This problem can make simple tasks like brushing your teeth or bathing a big hassle. However, luckily, this problem can be solved completely by using a booster pump. Water booster pumps provide the extra pressure so that water from the storage tank can move throughout a house or commercial facility without any hindrance.
Causes of Low Water Pressure:
The water pressure in a plumbing system may be lowered by several factors as mentioned below.
  • Gravity is a key factor that can both reduce and drive the flow of water. The higher the elevation of the point of delivery, the lower is the pressure of water. Whenever water travels upwards, gravity tries to pull it down. This problem may not affect buildings that are at a lower level compared to their water source. However, homes and businesses with multiple stories, apartment buildings, and skyscrapers often require booster pumps to overcome this problem.
  • Water pressure is also affected by the size of water pipes and distance from the water source. Homes or businesses located at the end of the water supply line may experience low flow of water. Also, the amount of water running through the fixtures will be low, if the water pipes are too small.
  • The water pressure may also decrease by additional water fixtures or water treatment systems.
  • Plumbing problems may also cause the water pressure to dip.
Functioning of Booster Pumps:
The functional pattern of booster pumps is similar to that of a fan. The blades of a fan increase air movement by spinning around. In the same fashion, the impellers of a booster pump increases water pressure and flow.
The impellers of a booster pump are responsible for moving water entering through the inlet and leaving through the outlet. These pumps differ in terms of how they let the water in and out. Some of them use an oscillating diaphragm, while others use a spinning propeller. Oscillating diaphragm pumps make use of two oscillating or rotating plates to propel water, one with indentations and one with cups. The cups get compressed as the plates roll together, forcing the water out. More water is sucked in as the plates roll open.
Booster Pump Installation Tips:
Booster pumps should be installed right at the point from where water needs to be moved. If your home suffers from low water pressure, the pump should be installed on the main line from which your house receives the water.
  • It is recommended to have a bypass line because in the event of pump failure, you will be able to isolate the pump.
  • Before connecting to your house, test the pump thoroughly.
  • If you find a leak, isolate the pump immediately and have it tested.
At Tru-Flo Pumps, we are dedicated to addressing all your pumping related concerns. Please let us know if you have any more questions related to water booster pumps.

Source: https://www.truflopumps.com.au/a-guide-to-using-water-booster-pumps/