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CannAmm Occupational Testing

Occupational Testing Services

Dec 4, 2013

CannAmm helps organizations manage risk, liability and improves workplace safety in relation to substance abuse. Our wide range of services aims to ensure employees are fit to work so they, and their coworkers, avoid injury and prevent property damage.
• Drug and Alcohol Testing provides data for due diligence and helps deter drug and alcohol use in the workplace.
• Industry Programs are comprehensive Fitness for Work programs that addresses the concerns and specific requirements of an organization, employees, and industry regulators.
• Occupational Health testing offers a one-stop service for medical related exams to evaluate if an individual is fit-for-duty. Tests can also be used to identify potential health issues in the workplace.
• Substance Abuse Testing is a rigorous process that will provide legally defensible specimen screening and confirmation.
• Substance Abuse Support Programs help individuals, who have produced a positive test or have come forward requesting assistance with a substance abuse problem, return safely to the workplace. 
• Training programs educate clients’ employees who in turn promote the policies of a drug-free workplace, monitor behaviour and administer tests within their organization.
• US Department of Transportation (DOT) drug testing program provides comprehensive service and support to help clients adhere to DOT rules and regulations. 
For more detailed information, please call 1-800-440-0023 and ask to speak with a sales representative.

Source: http://www.cannamm.com/Services/ServicesHomePage/tabid/158/language/en-US/Default.aspx