REFLEX Instrument North America Limited

Find us at 26TH International Applied Geochemistry Symposium (IAGS)

OIN the Reflex Geochenistry (Formally IOGlobal Consulting) at the 26th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium 18 - 21 november 2013

Oct 25, 2013
The 26th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium (IAGS) will focus on applied geochemistry, new ways of analysis, interpretation of data and geochemistry applied to environmentally sustainable mineral and geothermal exploration and development. A technical programme, special sessions, workshops, and pre- and post symposium excursions will provide a comprehensive programme.
Please come along to see Dr. Heidi Pass (Senior Geochemist, REFLEX Geochemistry) present:
“Increasing your greenfields to project development advantage using simple lithogeochemistry applications - Examples from Au and Cu-Au systems around the world”
Session: 11A – Lithogeochemical methods with exploration applications.
Date: Wednesday 20, November 2013
Time: 11.30 – 11:45 am
For more conference information or to register for IAGS, please visit the GNS website.
