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Mining & Distance Education

Jul 30, 2013
Distance Education and the Mining Engineering Technician Program
The Mining Engineering Technician program is designed to allow a student to study at a distance. Students enroll in the program much the same way a student on-site would, however they study and complete the majority of the program off campus.
Course Materials
Once you are registered as a student you will receive your first package of course materials. These materials may include textbooks, study guides, audio/video supports, and more depending on the course. Many of the traditional lectures from the classroom have been converted to video files with voice-over features that allow you to experience the material in much the same fashion as you would on campus.
In the introductory material you will be introduced to the individual courses, objectives, and policies associated with studying at a distance. As a distance student you will have the same access to your professor as your on-site classmates. Communication is facilitated via Blackboard, e-mail, fax, telephone and virtual classrooms.
Assignments are submitted via mail, email, or electronically depending on the requirements.
On Site Requirements
The majority of your studies can be completed at a distance, however there are many practical, hands-on components that also form part of the curriculum. For these components, students are required to travel to the Haileybury campus for “Field School” where they will complete these requirements. There will be one session in the winter/spring semester. The session usually runs from two to three weeks at a time. Students are responsible for securing their own accommodations during these times, however, a housing list is provided. For students who are concerned about direct teacher contact, please inquire about the on-site study option.
Contact Information
For additional information on any program offered through Northern College's School of Mining Engineering Technology contact the Program Coordinator at mining@northern.on.ca

Source: http://www.northernc.on.ca/mining-distance-education