CC Communications and Photography

It's All About the Conversation, not the Bass!

Jul 2, 2015
Establishing a presence on social media is great; maintaining a strong social media presence, however, is paramount.
For the most part Facebook has become the social network of choice for more businesses, including big box brands, to use to help communicate their products and services to the public.
The social network is currently the second most popular website behind Google and has an average of 1.4 billion users! Facebook generates approximately 4 billion likes per day! To put this into perspective, there are 6 billion people on the entire earth!
A Facebook presence can help to establish your brand locally, nationally, and globally. However, it is not that simple.
Maintaining a strong social media presence, especially on Facebook requires a lot of work and constant management.
Asking people to "like" or "follow you" is a great opportunity to inform them of your social media presence but it takes more encouragement than that. There has to be purpose for individuals to follow your page and interact with it.
Inquire how #CCCommunications can help you initiate and maintain the conversation with your world-wide audience today!
After all, it's not really "all about the bass..." it really is all about the conversation! 
