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Mississauga of the Credit First Nation

MCFN Weekly COVID-19 Update

Jun 6, 2020
The MCFN Chief and Council and the COVID-19 Working Group are actively taking precautions and actions to address the potential impacts of COVID-19 within our Nation.
Currently, the MCFN have no active cases of COVID-19 in the community. Miigwech for your continued diligence in following the personal precautions aimed to protect one another from this virus.
  1. Council Meetings: As part of the return to work plan, the MCFN Chief and Council have resumed their in-person meetings. Social distancing is being adhered to and Council are wearing cloth face masks when necessary.  At this time, the public are asked to refrain from attending the meetings to ensure adequate space for this necessary business.
  2. Gradual Return to Work: An extensive return to work policy is currently being drafted for the organization. Earlier this week, Council approved the return to work for the MCFN Field Liaison Workers, provided adequate safety precautions can be established. The general closure of all MCFN operations has been extended to July 6 and will be reassessed as required. Essential services will continue as per previous correspondence. As a reminder, we are promoting the use of on-line banking at this time.
  3. On Reserve Businesses: As part of the re-opening strategy, the MCFN Council and business owners will be working together on implementing best practices for ensuring the safety of the community, especially when it relates to tobacco sales.
  4. On Reserve COVID-19 Survey: The COVID-19 Working Group is interested in obtaining your opinions on how the operations of the First Nation should resume. We want to know how you see programs and services re-opening, as well as the precautions and safeguards our community businesses need to implement to ensure everyone’s safety. In the next few weeks MCFN will be calling a sampling of households and will be distributing a survey for members to contribute to the plan.
  5. Father’s Day Craft: A special stay at home craft activity is being planned for Father’s Day.  Please contact Shelly King at 905-928-9964 or Leslie Maracle at 519-717-7205 to register by June 12.  Pick up will take place on June 18 and 19, from 12:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. Keep an eye out for the next stay at home initiative.
  6. Off Reserve Gift Cards: These cards cover the period of March through June. We have now received our latest order and will be sending cards to those who were on the waiting list. Please note, these cards are designated as one per household. Please contact Kerri King at kerri.king@mncfn.ca for additional information.
  7. On Reserve Bulk Food Packages: If you are interested in receiving part of a bulk food purchase, please call 905-768-1133 and leave a message with your name and contact number. Alternatively, you can send the necessary information to Admin.Clerk@mncfn.ca These bulk food packages will consist of dry goods split and bagged by the COVID-19 Working Group, who will be adhering to the necessary Safe Food Handling procedures. Pick up procedures will be contactless, similar to the garden boxes.
  8. At this time, the Band Administration main line is voice mail only. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Kailey at 905-979-2957 or Kerri at 289-527-0364 and they will be able to refer you to the relevant departmental contact.
The MCFN Chief and Council and the MCFN COVID-19 Working Group would like to remind everyone to take personal precautions to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community. These include:
  • Regular hand washing with soap and warm water or an alcohol-based hand cleanser.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Maintain social distancing and ensure you practice good respiratory hygiene. Cover your cough or sneeze with your bent elbow or tissue, then dispose of the tissue immediately.
  • Be cognizant of travel advisories and limit your exposure to large gatherings.
  • If you feel ill, stay home. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and follow their instructions.
If you experiencing symptoms, contact the following public health offices and follow their instructions:
  • Haldimand Norfolk Public Health – 519-426-6170, ext. 9999
  • Six Nations Public Health – 519-445-2672
  • Brant County Public Health – 519-753-4937
  • Outside of regular business hours, you can contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
Please note, the MCFN Community Health office is not a public health office, although it does assist with contact tracing and wellness checks.

Source: http://mncfn.ca/mcfn-weekly-covid-19-update-june-6-2020/

Peacekeeper’s Coordinator

To work with the MCFN Governance Committee, Pillar 7, and the Peacekeepers Sub-Committee to coordinate and organize the creation and implementation of a MCFN Peacekeepers Program, reflective of the historical, cultural, and values of the Anishinaabe people and to engage the MCFN Community during the development of the Peacekeepers Program, ensuring that the values, responsibilities, and practices are reflective of their needs.

Minute Taker

To provide administrative support and minute taking functions to the Department of Consultation and Accommodation (DOCA), and to improve the organizational effectiveness by accurately recording, preparing and distributing meeting minutes of various DOCA and MCFN internal and external committees/events and by assisting in the preparation and coordination of special events.

Children's Mental Health Worker

Responsible for providing support to the community by identifying individuals who are in a high risk situation or expressing early signs and symptoms; providing individual/group counselling and service planning for children/youth up to 18 years of age, and assisting with the general unit administration.

Post Secondary Education Counsellor

To ensure the MCFN Education Post-Secondary tuition/services are administered and delivered in an effective and efficient manner pursuant to the MCFN policies by ensuring compliance with relevant MCFN policies and contracts.