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Ojibways of the Pic River First Nation

Notice to the community

Aug 12, 2020
From August 14th-18th 2020, the Upper Great Lakes Management Unit will be conducting fisheries assessment work (Offshore Fish Community Index Netting) offshore of the community. Please note that the Superior Explorer vessel will be visible from waters adjacent to the community and the gills nets will be highly visible and marked.
Information about Offshore Fish Community Index Netting:
  • It’s a program to monitor the health (abundance, size, length, distribution) of the commercially exploited fish species (Cisco, Lake Whitefish, Lake Trout and others),
  • It provides information about the strength of the year classes associated with the commercial exploited species
  • These are randomly selected bottom net sets at varying depths (aim to set 24 nets in this location as long as weather cooperates)
  • It also collects information about the entire fish community
If you have any questions or concerns, contact Fritz Fischer, Assessment Supervisor, at 1-807-631-6354 or by email at friedrich.fisher@ontario.ca.

Source: https://www.picriver.com/notice-to-the-community/

Contract Supervisor at Barrick Hemlo

Communicate with all Contract Personnel and their supervisors for the completion of time-cards. Participate in interviews and investigations and report accordingly to the PRDC Contract Coordinator.

Invitation for Board Prospects

A new Board Member will be appointed to the Board of Directors for Dbenjgan Inc. 

Social Services Program Supervisor

The Social Services Program Supervisor shall administer all aspects of the Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Social Services.