Ojibways of the Pic River First Nation

Playground Closure

Nov 22, 2020
Under the direction of the Emergency Response Team, effective, Monday, November 23rd, the playground located at the Elementary School and the Beaver Crescent area will be closed for the season.
The purpose of this closure is to maintain limited communal contact in this time of COVID 19 and due to changing weather conditions that may create health and safety concerns with use of the equipment.
Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.

Source: https://www.picriver.com/playground-closure/

Contract Supervisor at Barrick Hemlo

Communicate with all Contract Personnel and their supervisors for the completion of time-cards. Participate in interviews and investigations and report accordingly to the PRDC Contract Coordinator.

Invitation for Board Prospects

A new Board Member will be appointed to the Board of Directors for Dbenjgan Inc. 

Social Services Program Supervisor

The Social Services Program Supervisor shall administer all aspects of the Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Social Services.