Galaxy Broadband Communications


Jul 26, 2018

In a unique glimpse into what life in a Mining Exploration camp is like, our “Man on the Ground” Willy recently spent an extended time setting up our services for a new camp, far removed from our everyday comforts.
“When you travel to these places and stay for extended periods of time, you see how our services change people’s lives. Simple things like being able to text your loved ones goodnight, or video chat with your grandchildren to see their accomplishments.” Galaxy is no stranger to these rough and rural locations, where you don’t have the freedom to use your cell phone for everything you want.
The customer was given a full turn-key, manage free solution. This included wireless points throughout the camp, a full VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) service, as well as Galaxy’s Managed Services.
Willy was happy to share a personal story from his time on site.
“I walked into the kitchen at 5am to grab a coffee and talk to the cook and she thanked me for getting the Internet back up, as it gave her the opportunity to call home. It truly changes people!”
His advice, always stay on the cook’s good side!
Stay tuned for more of Willy’s Adventures, as he travels around Canada helping set people up with Galaxy solutions.
