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Project Management & Execution

Apr 1, 2014
Challenge: Mitigating risk in the capital intensive project in mining is paramount. Whether you are a large global miner or a junior executing a first project, managing the execution of a multi-year project is important in your efforts to control costs. One area that consistently plagues automation projects are increased costs due to late design changes. There are a lot of unknowns when a new plant and unforeseen process design changes can easily cause a project schedule to slip.
Solution: Emerson can help miners mitigate some of the risk associated with developing a Greenfield site and our involvement is up to you. We can deploy a team of experts that can completely manage the automation aspect of a project or we can work closely with your team to apply the right technology to the right application. Secondly, we can help you manage risk from changes using a technology called Electronic Marshalling which decouples the dependence between process software and system hardware design. What this means is that by using electronic marshalling, you will gain extra detailed design engineering time which will help you manage the inevitable changes that you will face during project scale up. Not only will your design be more complete, but you will also avoid having to make many of the changes to your plant, post startup, had you used traditional automation architecture.

Source: http://www2.emersonprocess.com/en-US/industries/metals-mining/Mining/Solutions/Pages/Project-Management-Execution.aspx

April 3, 2014
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Associate, Innovation & Commercialization

This is an intrapreneurial role where you will be responsible for working with colleagues domestically and abroad to lead and support a variety of programs that drive new sales.

Industrial Energy Development Specialist

This individual will support building, leading and managing new Gas Compression opportunities that promote Emerson Vilter’s presence in Renewable Gas, Fuel Gas Boosting, Combined Heat & Power, Liquified Natural Gas, Hydrogen, etc. applications within the U.S and Canada.

Industrial-Commercial Compression Specialist

Work with the contractor and engineering consulting/design community to integrate Vilter/Copeland technology and solutions into large industrial & commercial refrigeration projects.