PERI Formwork Systems Inc.

RAV Tunnel, Vancouver, British Columbia

Jan 14, 2014
Custom Steel Faced Formwork ensures 
Accurate Concrete Tunnel Results 
In preparation for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, a massive $1.4 billion rapid transit system is being constructed to connect Richmond, the Airport and Vancouver (RAV) and handle the large influx of people expected during the event. 
A 3.8 miles (6 km) underground “cut-and-cover” portion of the track is being built by CSC Cambie St. Constructors. With the majority of the tunnel being straight, the formwork also had to be designed in 23 ft (7 m) segments to chord the curved portions of the track. Each section is on a three day pour cycle. 
At the “Little Mountain” section of the route, the tunnels were also required to stack on top of each other to minimize disturbances to the road during construction. As such, the transition stage between the adjacent and stacked portions of track required careful engineering to ensure a 4.89 % grade is attained throughout. DOMINO, the lightweight panel wall forming system, and MULTIFLEX are then used to form this stage of the project. 
The RAV project is currently on schedule and is expected to be completed in 2009 to ensure its fully operational in time for the Winter Olympics.

Dan Sherin
Concrete and Structures Manager
“I had never used PERI before and was reluctant to use a new supplier on a project with such critical deadlines. However, when we saw firsthand the shear volume of experience PERI has with these types of projects, we realized they were perfect for this job.”

Contractor:     CSC Cambie St. Constructors Inc., Vancouver
Field Service:  PERI Vancouver
Field Service:  PERI Formwork Systems, Inc., Canada


January 15, 2014
Inside this issue
Design Engineer

A Designer designs cost effective formwork, shoring and scaffolding solutions, and prepares drawings (including material take-offs) for standard designs and, as training and experience allow, custom designs under the supervision of the Engineering Supervisor. 

Regional Manager

The Regional Manager is responsible for establishing PERI as the largest and most competent player in the formwork market as well as managing the Branch operations to maximize profitability. 

Accounts Receivable Administrator

To provide exceptional customer service and communication to both internal and external customers while collecting all credit accounts in a timely manner, working toward reducing the DSO and achieving a DSO within the PERI benchmark.