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Massive Particle Attends Unite Conference

By Kyle McCall

Sep 6, 2013
Last week NORCAT resident Massive Particle Studios had the chance to attend and participate in the annual Unite developers’ conference in Vancouver.  The event brought together developers, publishers and enthusiasts from not only North America, but from across the globe. The goal of the event is to help individuals learn about the latest trends in software development, new techniques and, of most importantly, network.
Hosted by Unity Technologies (best known for their cross-platform game engine that over a million developers use worldwide) the conference offered a number of hands-on classes and technical sessions that attendees could participate in.  If that wasn’t enough, there were also booths for showcasing new technologies and games and a number of speaking events.
Attending this event was a big success for Massive Particle as they unveiled their newest demo for their upcoming game ZED Absolution to a crowd of eager gamers.  The response to the game was very encouraging as many of those that played came left asking for more.
Massive particle would like to take this opportunity to thank their sponsor Exit Games for helping them attend the conference and also for assisting them with their demo.
The next step for Massive Particle and ZED Absolution is to receive funding so they can put the finishing touches on the game and launch it on schedule. If you’re interested in helping them reach their goal, and also getting some cool ZED apparel, their indiegogo campaign can be found at http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/zed-absolution--2/.

Source: http://www.norcat.org/news-2013.html