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Atlas Polar Company Ltd.


Mar 23, 2021

HIAB had a vision: tackle the long-time industry challenge of detecting and identifying objects in shifting environments and ever-changing climate conditions.
HIAB has always been at the forefront of innovation. Vision Lab, the latest addition to its Test and Innovation Center in Hudiksvall, Sweden tests the limits of possibility. The state-of-the-art facility tests HIAB cranes, Moffett forklifts, and Multilift hooklifts in every thinkable condition – ice, cold, moisture, rain, fog, clouds and shifting light – under entirely realistic and controllable conditions. The ability to repeatedly perform the same tests using precisely the same settings ensures robust, reliable, and flawless results every time.
What does this mean for operators and business owners? Improved existing sensors and new smart sensors for every product. It also means the company can collaborate with customers and partners to help them through problems encountered in products already in development. HIAB Vision Lab can simulate the problem and create a tailor-made solution.
So what seemingly impossible things is Vision Lab working on right now?
Augmented Reality (AR) Using proprietary applications and software, HIAB is evaluating how Microsoft HoloLens can improve service and maintenance. AR will allow technicians to be present in the field – eyes, ears and expertise – without ever leaving the dealership. They can draw plans, show schematics and explain processes to the customer and layer them on top of what they see on the scene. AR will resolve problems faster, more efficiently and more economically, reducing downtime and adding profitability. The technology is not quite there yet – cost and bulk still need to be reduced – but it won’t be long until it’s in everyday use in your HIAB, Moffett and Multilift equipment.
What else? Object Recognition and Identification systems. Machine Learning in neural networks, combining thermal and visual imaging, promises quickly and accurately recognizing all kinds of different objects in any condition and significantly enhancing equipment safety and security.
Also, underway is the evolution of HIAB’s already revolutionary HiVision®. This high-tech wonder brings the excitement, heightened awareness and 3D stereoscopic visibility of virtual reality to HIAB forestry cranes. Hard at work in 10 markets, the future possibilities arising from R&D underway at HIAB Vision Lab are game-changers. Combining the current technology with Light detection and ranging, LIDAR (including LADAR or laser radar) will make it possible to create 3D remote viewing and deep vision at 360-degrees. With new ways to work and control your vehicle, the next-generation of HIAB HiVision will be the epitome of control and safety for operators and equipment –in any conditions – inside and outside the cab.
HIAB has always had innovation at its core. But the potential created by its new Vision Lab facility goes beyond anything previously thought possible. So get ready! The future is in the Lab.

Source: https://www.atlaspolar.com/blog/vision-lab-tests-the-limits-of-possibility/

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