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HBTC Saw Horses
At HBTC, we have created the world's best industrial carts and saw horses, made from lightweight, strong, tempered, anodized aluminum. We’ve heard comments such as this from multiple customers: "Our Health & Safety Committee advised us we had to stop using wood saw horses because they weren't strong enough for the loads we put on them. We made our own out of steel, but they were so heavy our men could only move them with a forklift. Your aluminum saw horses were the perfect choice.” Stronger than wood, lighter than steel: at HBTC, it’s all about adding improved safety to material handling in your facility.


HBTC Saw Horses
685 Rupert St
Waterloo, On, Canada
Fax: 519.747.3659
E-mail: NO EMAIL
Post Code: N2V 1N7

Telephone: 1.877.778.5911

Joe Richardson - ,