Home > Mining Companies > Miron Topsoil Ltd.
Miron Topsoil Ltd.
Located in New Liskeard, Ontario. A. Miron Topsoil Ltd specializes in providing an assortment of products that include; topsoil, sand, gravel, granite and limestone that can be used for landscaping & decorative building stone. We also provide a wide variety of equipment rentals, excavating, snow removal, sanding, road & driveway construction.
We can service areas as far as Hearst right down to the Huntsville area with our wide array of pits and quarries in many locations. Some of these areas include: Fauquier, Iroquois Falls, Magnetawan, Kearney and Commanda. Delivery is easily arranged in any of these locations. Contact us for more details.

A Miron Topsoil
P.O. Box 1377
New Liskeard, Ontario
P0J 1P0
Phone: (705) 647-5823
Fax: (705) 647-9322
Limestone Quarry 
# 999932 Hwy 11 
705-563-2430 (May - Oct)
Thornloe Ontario


A.Miron Topsoil Ltd
"Box 1377 883265 Highway 65 E"
New Liskeard, Ontario, Canada
Fax: 1-705-647-9322
Post Code: P0J 1P0

Telephone: 1-705-647-5823

April Winters ,1-705-647-5823 ,1-705-647-9322