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Renaissance Gold Inc.
Renaissance Gold Inc. ("RenGold") is a Nevada-based, gold/silver-focused exploration company that emerged as a "spin-out" from the 2010 acquisition of AuEx Ventures, Inc. by Fronteer Gold, Inc. In November 2010, Renaissance listed on the TSX-V and on January 9, 2012, RenGold graduated to, and began, trading on the TSX. Trading under the symbol "REN" with approximately 33.6 million shares fully diluted and working capital through 2015.
Exploration Expertise: Renaissance is confident that its extensive exploration experience and state-of-the-art technical capability that guided AuEx to a major discovery at Long Canyon, Nevada, will continue to direct the Company toward new opportunities and new discoveries resulting in strong growth potential for shareholders.
Joint Venture Business Plan: The Company believes that its joint venture business model is the most effective strategy for non-revenue-generating junior explorers. Renaissance minimizes exploration risk by joint venturing its portfolio of high caliber exploration projects with solid partners. By following this plan, Renaissance accepts dilution in its exploration property positions rather than dilution for its shareholders. Maintaining a tight share structure ensures that success on any single project can create significant rewards for shareholders.
Innovative Technology: Renaissance employs leading edge exploration technology, and has developed proprietary techniques for processing satellite, geophysical, and geochemical data to identify alteration and geologic features related to mineral deposits. It is this process of "refining the art of mineral exploration" that gives Renaissance an exploration advantage.
Exploration Portfolio:Renaissance's current precious metal exploration projects are located in Nevada and Utah, many of which are in earn-in agreements with industry partners. Renaissance continues to implement its expertise and talent to generate quality exploration properties thereby increasing the potential for discovery.

Contact Us

4750 Longley Lane, Suite 106
Reno, NV 89502 USA
Telephone: (775) 337-1545
Facsimile: (775) 337-1542
Email: info@rengold.com