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Strategic Exploration Group
Strategic Exploration Group is a collection of junior resource companies that are focussed on exploring mining-friendly jurisdictions in northwestern Canada. The Group enjoys a close working relationship with Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited, a geological consulting firm with extensive knowledge and exploration experience in our focus area. Archer Cathro provides the Group unrestricted access to its unparalleled proprietary mineral databases. 
The Group combines experienced management and youthful scientists and entrepreneurs. Its goal is to use the team's various strengths in research, property acquisition, marketing and project financing to identify and capitalize on resource and business opportunities. 
Each company in the Group has its own mandate and is successfully implementing a well defined business model.
ATAC Resources Ltd. is a well-funded, Yukon-based exploration company focused on developing Canada's only Carlin-type gold discoveries at its wholly-owned Rackla Gold Project. Exploration conducted from 2006-2010 was focused within the Rau Trend on the Tiger Gold Deposit, a high-grade at/or near surface oxide gold deposit. In 2010, the discovery of the Osiris Zone shifted the focus to the Nadaleen Trend, 100 km to the east of the Tiger Gold Deposit where drilling to date has confirmed four Carlin-type gold discoveries at the Osiris, Conrad, Isis East and Isis zones.
Strategic Metals Ltd. is a Yukon-focussed exploration company that has assembled an exceptional portfolio of more than 160 property and royalty interests. Through investments and farmouts, the Company has rapidly grown its working capital to more than $100 million. In 2011, Strategic will focus on its wholly-owned Midas Touch and Silver Range projects. At Midas Touch, priority targets for Carlin-style gold mineralization have been identified in the vicinity of ATAC Resources' new Osiris discovery. These include the Crag property, which hosts the only occurrence of orpiment and realgar in the district, other than ATAC's Osiris discovery located 40 km to the east. At the Silver Range project, multiple large-scale targets have been identified with bulk-tonnage silver-lead-zinc-copper mineralization potential. The Silver Range project has been transferred to Silver Range Resources Ltd., shares of which will be distributed to Strategic shareholders by way of a Plan of Arrangement later this spring.
Rockhaven Resources Ltd. is concentrating most of its efforts on its wholly-owned Klaza property, a high grade and bulk tonnage gold-silver prospect located in Mt. Nansen mining camp of southwestern Yukon. This road accessible camp is located in the Dawson Range Gold Belt, where numerous promising gold discoveries have been made in recent years by Kaminak, Underworld and others. Rockhaven owns a large land position in one of the most underexplored parts of the belt. 

Contact Us

1016-510 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC 
Canada V6B 1L8
Telephone: 604.687.2522
Toll Free: 888.688.2522
Fax: 604.688.2578