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Women in Mining Canada
Who are we?
Women in Mining (WIM) Canada is a national not-for-profit organization formed in 2009 focused on advancing the interests of women in the minerals exploration and mining sector.
In collaboration with Canadian WIM branches we support grassroots initiatives in the realm of personal and professional
development, while providing a national voice within the global minerals and mining community.
Our membership is composed of passionate men and women who actively support the minerals and mining industry and represent a variety of occupational trades and professions.

Why are we here?
The minerals exploration and mining industry (or minerals sector) is one of the most important sectors to the Canadian economy.  As Canadians we are concerned about the future this valuable, high-tech, safe, environmentally and socially responsible industry.
The sector faces many challenges including a pending skilled labour shortage. Many experts agree that improving diversity within the mining workforce by attracting and retaining traditionally underrepresented groups such as women may be the best solution.  To that end, WIM Canada encourages young women to explore a career within the minerals sector; and helps established professionals connect and navigate their way through a successful career in the minerals sector.  These initiatives contribute to the positive footprint our industry is making.   
WIM Canada also seeks to improve the general public’s perception of this vibrant and needed economy. 
As a national organization we encourage our peers to engage in the issues long term with our members through mentorship, networking, educational forums, advocacy, topical debates, and industry speaking opportunities to ensure a sustainable minerals industry in Canada. 

 WIM Canada Objectives
• To work with the minerals and mining industry to develop tools and programs that facilitate increased attraction, retention and advancement of women;
• To collaborate with WIM branches in sharing knowledge, best practices, and personal and professional development opportunities across Canada;
• To provide a supportive mentoring network and a national resource for connecting members to public and private sector entities looking to fill their ranks with qualified individuals
• To advocate for increased public support for the mining and exploration industry

Contact Us

WIM Canada
157 Adelaide Street West, Suite 511
Toronto, ON
M5H 4E7