Home > Supplier Companies > Airplaco Equipment Co.


Northeast Office & Factory
4141 Airport Road
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Post Code: 45226
E-mail: tferguson@mesa-ind.net

Airplaco Equipment Co.

Mesa Industries is a family owned American manufacturer. Since 1967, Mesa has produced quality products for the oil & gas, storage tank, mining, gunite, shotcrete, masonry, grouting and plastering industries. The company is diversified through its four operating divisions, each serving very unique niche markets. Mesa maintains three US locations and a network of representatives worldwide.

Airplaco Equipment Co. February 10, 2015
Divisions February 10, 2015
Recycle Concrete February 10, 2015
Recent Activity
Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing... layout, processes, and procedures. -Tom Peters
9 years ago
Manufacturing Day was a huge success! Thanks for all our visitors including Fair-field high school, boy scouts, Cincinnati State, Chamber of Commerce members and State Representative Tom Brinkman Jr! And, last but not least thanks to all of our Mesa employees who made this event happen!
9 years ago
Mesa Industries, Inc. will open its doors on Friday, Oct. 2, from 9:00 am - 11:30 am to business leaders, community members and local students as part of Manufacturing Day! #MFGDAY2015
9 years ago
We're preparing for Manufacturing Day Friday, Oct 2nd! We are giving tours of our facility and offices for local students and providing them first hand knowledge on how they can have a career in the manufacturing industry! #MFGDAY15
9 years ago
Yesterday some of our Mesa employees and Terry Segerberg, our CEO volunteered at the shelterhouse (formerly Drop Inn Center). Our employees packed up cars with enough food to feed over 170 residents. Employees helped prep and serve food! This is an ongoing effort by Mesa employees better known as our “Be the Believe” program. Learn more about how you can donate and volunteer at the shelterhouse http://www.shelterhousecincy.org/about-us/
9 years ago